New Media and Technosemiotics modules@UPOL


Index for New Media and Technosemiotics modules@UPOL.

Welcome to the main hub for the New Media and Technosemiotics modules@UPOL

This page serves as an index to the Critical Reader of “New” Media course materials, including its nextbook, self-assessment materials and other materials, run by me and for the Technosemiotics project run by Auli Viidalepp, including a Nextbook and the page for the Winter School on AI and Society held in January 16-19 2023.

A Critical Reader of “New” Media Nextbook

In order to access the nextbook, follow the link: A Critical Reader of “New” Media. The nextbook acts as a companion of the course as well as an independent study resource. Remember to read the instructions before using it.

A Critical Reader of “New” Media Course Materials

The course materials can be accessed here. These are materials used during class (presentations and such) that can help you if you also use the other resources.

ACro”N”M Self-Assessment Materials

Self-Assessment Materials are available on our Moodle website. You can also access these offline materials for practice.

A guide on navigating the world of media theory can be found here.

Semiosphere distance toy

Check the Semiosphere distance toy. This is a simple script to determine the distance of a given cultural object from the cultural canon of a semiosphere. It’s only a guesstimator, so take it at face value!

Technosemiotics Nextbook

You can access the Technosemiotics Nextbook on this link. This Nextbook is maintained by Auli Viidalepp.

Technosemiotics Winter School website

Here you can find the Technosemiotics Winter School website, including information on the workshop, presentations given and general information. This is also mantained by Auli Viidalepp.

Page information

This work was supported by the project Humanities going digital Project no. 2020-1-CZ01-KA226-HE-094363. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.